Why do we suddenly have an association? The Beggars worked without one for years!
At the moment, nobody currently involved with the Beggars has legal access to our finances – this could lead to problems in the future. The association wants to ensure that the Beggars always have legal access to their finances, even if there is a lot of change in people who are involved in the group. This can only be done legally if there is a ‘Verein’. Additionally, it seems that many people who want to start a project are unsure how to go about this – now they can simply contact the association and then get information on when there is still a time slot to put on a play and how they can get people involved. The Beggars will continue to be the free and independent group they are now.
Do I need to join the association to ‘be’ a Beggar?
You do not need to join the association to take part in or even launch a Beggars-related project or production (Quick caveat: This may change in the future for insurance reasons, though we don’t expect that to be the case and would certainly check in with our community before making such a change). Becoming a member is very quick and does not cost anything. See the question “What are my rights and responsibilities if I sign up as a member?” below to learn about what exactly membership entails.
How can I start a project?
If you have an idea for a project, you simply have to inform the association. The association may launch projects if no one else steps up, but we are very happy for anyone to take the initiative themselves (as has always been the spirit of the Beggars)! If you need rooms or the cellar it is possible that your preferred timeframe is already reserved. In this case, you or the association can suggest another date for your project. If you want to, the association will then support you in announcing your project and can provide you with people who help with sponsoring. Additionally, the association will negotiate a budget with you and give you access to the Beggars’ finances, as well as inviting you to become a member if you’re not already.
I’m meeting up with some Beggars people, do I have to run this by you?
No. Like any amateur theatre group, the Beggars are a community, and the last thing we’d want to do is ‘police’ that community. If you meet up with some of your Beggary friends, throw a Beggars-related party, set up a D&D group for Beggars, or anything like that, you do not need to inform us. Of course, you may inform us, especially if you want us to advertise your event on our website / social media. If you want to use the Beggars’ finances, access our Fundus, or use the Cellar for your event, then you do have to contact us.
Can I do a project in the name of the Beggars without asking the association?
As mentioned above, smaller events / gatherings are fine, but if you want to access the Beggars’ finances, our fundus, our cellar, or advertise on our website / newsletter, you do have to ask us. A big project always means a lot of organisation and effort – this is where the association can help. We can take care of some of the admin parts (scheduling the cellar, giving you access to the finances, coordinating promotion and announcements, finding sponsors); so you can focus on the creative part and organising the project / production itself. However, apart from negotiating a budget with you and making sure to avoid scheduling conflicts, the association will only get involved in your production as much as you want us to.
Can the association say no to my project?
Yes, the association formally has the right to say no to a project – as in, refuse to give you access to our finances / the cellar / social media etc. (If you don’t need that access, then you don’t need our permission in the first place). However, we hope and intend never to make use of that right. Possible reasons for saying no would be if a project is in no way related to the Beggars, if it severely clashes with our values or if it is a private event that excludes large parts of our community.
How involved will the association be in my project?
Seriously – as much as you want. The only thing the association necessarily supervises is the budget and the schedule of projects and productions (so that we don’t have three productions in the same month). Apart from that, the association can help with some administrative tasks if you want us to, but if you prefer to organise everything yourself that is completely fine. The association will in no way influence the creative process. If you need a bigger budget, you can always contact the association and we can figure things out.
How can I reserve the cellar?
Please contact us if you want to reserve the cellar – we will then be in contact with the English seminar. This way we can evade chaos. If you want to reserve the cellar for something unrelated to the Beggars, please contact the English seminar directly.
How can I access the money for my budget?
The budget will be approved by the association and then either paid to the production team or – if that is in the interest of the team – the association will pay for things directly. Only the association has access to the e-banking.
Who has access to the email, Google Drive, fundus, etc.?
Only active members (people who have an active role in the association, like finance, etc.) have access to the drive, email and so on. Additionally, anyone involved in a current project has access too. If you need anything from the fundus or the drive, you can always contact the association. This way, it is always clear who has the keys, who reads and answers emails, and so on.
How can I advertise my project on Instagram / through the Newsletter?
Please contact the association / the person responsible for social media (at the time of writing this is Julia Brosi).
How can I become a member of the association, and do I have to study English / be a student?
The association is open to everyone, no matter if you study English or aren’t a student at all. Obviously, as we are an English-speaking group, it makes sense that you speak English. You can become a member by contacting us via Email (preferred), SMS, Whatsapp, letter, etc. – it just has to be in writing. To add you as a member, we need to know your full name, email, home address, and phone number. If you’d like to become an active member (rather than a ‘normal’, passive member) and take on responsibilities such as sponsoring, organizing the fundus, or finance, let us know!
What are my rights and responsibilities if I sign up as a member?
Joining / being part of the association does not cost anything. Unless you specifically ask to join as an active member, you will be a ‘normal’, passive member, which means you do not have any responsibilities. Active members on the other hand take up responsibilities such as social media, finance, et cetera. Either way, you have the right to motion for changes to the verein, as well as to attend the Generalversammlung, where you can vote on such motions as well as vote on the association’s board (Vorstand) and get insights into our finances. However, attendance is not mandatory. Please be aware that joining the association does not give you any power to make creative / executive decisions in Beggars projects that you’re not a part of, and that membership is not a factor when it comes to selecting the cast / crew for a play.
When does the Verein meet?
Every year around January, the Verein meets as part of the “Generalversammlung”. If you are a member, you will get an invitation around the beginning of January. This is where you can vote on changes, including who is in the Vorstand. In addition, there is a “Halbjahresversammlung” twice a year (once on the day of the Generalversammlung and once around July). This has the purpose of assigning roles of the active members, and is not something that passive members need to attend (unless they want to become active members of course). This occurs twice-yearly in order to ensure that students can change their involvement in the Beggars according to their university semester.
How can I propose changes to the Verein?
Once you receive the invitation to the Generalversammlung, you can hand in motions to be voted on up until the day before the Generalversammulng, where the present members will then vote on your proposal.
How can I leave the association?
If you’re not an active member, you simply have to inform us in writing that you want to cancel your membership, and your resignation will be active immediately. If you’re an active member, you can only leave at the end of the academic semester, and have to inform us at least a month beforehand so we can search for someone else to take on your responsibilities. In case of an emergency or unforeseen health issues, active members may also leave during the semester – if you suddenly find yourself unable to fulfil your responsibilities, get in touch with us and we’ll find a solution!